General Topics
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[hide]General S. cerevisiae information
- Generally speaking:
- What are yeast?
- Here are some pictures of yeast
- The Art of Brewing, courtesy of Miller Brewing Company.
- Information about winemaking, from Wine High School of The Champagne region.
- Information about yeast and bread baking, from Fleischmann's and Red Star Yeast companies.
- An introduction to yeast, the most ideal eukaryotic microorganism for biological studies, written by Fred Sherman.
- An updated version of the yeast primer Getting Started with Yeast written by Fred Sherman.
- Yeast Molecular Biology: A Short Compendium on Basic Features and Novel Aspects written by Horst Feldmann at the University of Munich
- Download a guide to S.cerevisiae nomenclature, published in Trends in Genetics.
- A table describing the gene targets of the different RNA polymerases in S. cerevisiae.
- A tutorial from the University of Saskatchewan provides an introduction to SGD and to S. cerevisiae molecular biology and genetics.
- A list of websites with relevance to S. cerevisiae molecular biology and genetics and to general molecular biology.
- Search the Yeast BioSci (a.k.a. BioNet) Electronic Conference
- Usenet group on yeast molecular biology: bionet.molbio.yeast
- Curated publications at SGD describing industrial uses of yeast, such as biofuels, winemaking, brewing.
- Curated publications at SGD addressing infections and antifungals and genes associated with diseases
Educational resources
- Genetics Education Network Tom Manney's (Kansas State University) yeast experiments for undergrads and high school students. A well-done and informative web site for yeast in the classroom.
- Yeast Education Network An archive of yeast-based teaching tools for the undergraduate classroom and laboratory. This site also includes most of the Education Workshop talks from YGM 2008.
- Research Link 2000 Aimed at undergraduate classrooms, this is an offshoot of Tom Manney's yeast experiments. It also lists other model organisms.
- Using Yeast As An Ultraviolet Light Measurement Tool. This is a Tom Manney protocol rewritten by Kevin Conant, a participant in the Woodrow Wilson Biology Institute 1993.
- MendelWeb, an educational resource on the origins of classical genetics.
- National Science Teachers Association. Resources for all science teachers from kindergarten to college.
- National Association of Biology Teachers High school teachers predominate in this organization, but there are resources for post-secondary education as well.
- American Society for Microbiology. The ASM website lists resources in its education section. The ASM publishes numerous books on microbiology education at various levels.
- Discovering Genomics, Proteomics, and Bioinformatics This website describes a course and the accompanying textbook written by A. Malcolm Campbell and Laurie J. Heyer.
- Genome Consortium for Active Teaching (GCAT) Description of the consortium and how it is working to bring functional genomics methods into the undergraduate biology curriculum.
- Issues in Genomics lists a number of articles on genomics topics.
- MicroArray Genome Imaging and Clustering Tool (MAGIC) Open source software for analysis of large-scale gene expression datasets; developed by Laurie Heyer and her undergraduate students at Davidson College, North Carolina.
- VADLO Life Sciences Search Engine from Life in Research, LLC. Provides search for life sciences research methods, databases, online tools, software, and powerpoints. For example Yeast protocols, Yeast databases, S. cerevisiae Powerpoints.
- Scitable A free library providing overviews of key science concepts, with a focus on genetics, compiled by the Nature Publishing Group.
- The Human Genetics Education Resource A general guide to resources in human genomics, inheritance, molecular genetics, genetic interactions, gene expression and evolution.
- When Will Broccoli Taste Like Chocolate?: Your Questions on Genetic Traits Answered by Stanford University Scientists A collection of general genetics questions and answers from the Ask a Geneticist section of The Tech Museum website.
Schizosaccharomyces pombe information
- S. pombe genomic sequence published by V. Wood et al., Nature 415, 871-880 (2002)
- PomBase The scientific resource for fission yeast. S. pombe database compiled at the University of Cambridge, UK
- Blast Server for S. pombe compiled at the Sanger Centre, UK
- General information about S. pombe from the Forsburg Lab
- S. pombe molecular genetics: plasmids, markers, maps and references from the Forsburg Lab
- An S. pombe nomenclature guide: S. pombe genes mapped to S. cerevisiae genes from the Forsburg Lab
Candida albicans information
- Candida albicans pages at the NRC/BRI
- Candida Genome Database at Stanford
- Candida information from the Stanford Genome Technology Center
- CandidaDB, a genomic database for C. albicans, part of the Galar Fungail Consortium project
- Institute for Candida experimentation at the University of Minnesota
- Candidiasis information at MEDLINE plus
- Annotation of the C. albicans genome from the Agabian Lab
Links to other fungal information
Fungal genome sequencing projects
- Cryptococcus
- Cryptococcus neoformans var. neoformans strain B3501
- Cryptococcus neoformans var. neoformans strain JEC21
- Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii H99 - Duke University, Fungal Genome Initiative
- Cryptococcus gattii R265 - Fungal Genome Initiative
- Cryptococcus gattii WM276 - Kronstad Lab/British Columbia Genome Sequencing Centre
- The Génolevures project, featuring partial genomic sequence for 13 Hemiascomycete species
- There is also list of currently sequenced or in progress fungal genome projects with references.
Fungal genome database projects
- Aspergillus Genome Database, a database for A. nidulans, A. fumigatus, A. niger and related species.
- CryptoBase, a scientific database resource at UCSF for C. neoformans var. grubii (serotype A)
-, a scientific database resource at Duke University providing Genome Browser, BLAST, and downloadable genome annotations for many fungal genomes.