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Systematic name YGL191W
Gene name COX13
Feature type ORF, Verified
Coordinates Chr VII:144808..145197
Primary SGDID S000003159

Description of YGL191W: Subunit VIa of cytochrome c oxidase; present in a subclass of cytochrome c oxidase complexes that may have a role in mimimizing generation of reactive oxygen species; not essential for cytochrome c oxidase activity but may modulate activity in response to ATP; required for assembly of Rcf2p into cytochrome c oxidase - cytochrome bc1 supercomplexes[1][2]


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Other Topic: Regulated by the diauxic shift (glycerol)

Apart form the overall increase in mitochondrial protein mass after the diauxic shift this protein remains unchanged after the diauxic shift. [3] [4]



See Help:References on how to add references

  1. Jump up Taanman JW and Capaldi RA (1993) Subunit VIa of yeast cytochrome c oxidase is not necessary for assembly of the enzyme complex but modulates the enzyme activity. Isolation and characterization of the nuclear-coded gene. J Biol Chem 268(25):18754-61 SGD PMID 8395517
  2. Jump up Vukotic M, et al. (2012) Rcf1 Mediates Cytochrome Oxidase Assembly and Respirasome Formation, Revealing Heterogeneity of the Enzyme Complex. Cell Metab () SGD PMID 22342701
  3. Jump up Ohlmeier S, et al. (2004) The yeast mitochondrial proteome, a study of fermentative and respiratory growth. J Biol Chem 279(6):3956-79 SGD PMID 14597615
  4. Jump up submitted by Steffen Ohlmeier on 2004-04-08

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