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Systematic name YHR023W
Gene name MYO1
Feature type ORF, Verified
Coordinates Chr VIII:151666..157452
Primary SGDID S000001065

Description of YHR023W: Type II myosin heavy chain, required for wild-type cytokinesis and cell separation; localizes to the actomyosin ring; binds to myosin light chains Mlc1p and Mlc2p through its IQ1 and IQ2 motifs respectively[1][2][3][4]


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Genetic interaction with hof1
Phenotype(s): Synthetic Lethal with hof1 Mutation type(s): deletion, deletion

[5] [6]



See Help:References on how to add references

  1. Bi E, et al. (1998) Involvement of an actomyosin contractile ring in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cytokinesis. J Cell Biol 142(5):1301-12 SGD PMID 9732290
  2. Brown SS (1997) Myosins in yeast. Curr Opin Cell Biol 9(1):44-8 SGD PMID 9013666
  3. Luo J, et al. (2004) Identification and functional analysis of the essential and regulatory light chains of the only type II myosin Myo1p in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J Cell Biol 165(6):843-55 SGD PMID 15210731
  4. Tolliday N, et al. (2003) Direct evidence for a critical role of myosin II in budding yeast cytokinesis and the evolvability of new cytokinetic mechanisms in the absence of myosin II. Mol Biol Cell 14(2):798-809 SGD PMID 12589071
  5. Vallen EA, et al. (2000) Roles of Hof1p, Bni1p, Bnr1p, and myo1p in cytokinesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mol Biol Cell 11(2):593-611 SGD PMID 10679017
  6. submitted by Erfei Bi on 2003-08-14

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