SGD Newsletter, Fall 2018

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About this newsletter:

This is the September 2018 issue of the SGD newsletter. The goal of this newsletter is to inform our users about new features in SGD and to foster communication within the yeast community.

25th Anniversary of SGD

The CDC6 locus page from 1994

SGD is proud to celebrate our 25th anniversary! Initiating in 1993 with AceDB and later launching as a website in 1994, SGD is among the oldest biological resources on the web. The SGD website started with the basics–just check out the old CDC6 locus page! From these humble beginnings, SGD has since grown to become the premier genetics and genomics resource for S. cerevisiae.

We wish to extend a big thank you for helping us make these past decades of service to the yeast community possible. #APOYG!

SGD at Yeast Genetics Meeting 2018

In August 22-26, 2018, the SGD team was out in full force at the Yeast Genetics Meeting in Stanford, CA. Here are some of the highlights from this awesome meeting:

Mike Cherry accepts the Ira Herskowitz Award

Mike Cherry Receives Ira Herskowitz Award

For his outstanding contributions in the field of yeast research in the last few decades, Mike Cherry, PI of SGD, received the Ira Herskowitz Award. Congratulations Mike!

Workshop: Getting More out of SGD

At our workshop, we talked about new features, cool tools, and some of the many ways you can access data at SGD to support your research. Check out the links below to download presentations given by SGD staff:

Presenter Presentation Title
Kevin MacPherson [Tools & Resources]
Patrick Ng [Locus Summary Pages]
Edith Wong [Faceted Search]
Stacia Engel [Alliance]


Presenter Poster Title
Rob Nash []
Edith Wong []
Felix Gondwe []
Patrick Ng []
Kevin MacPherson Saccharomyces Genome Database: Outreach and online training services
Travis Sheppard []
Kalpana Karra []
Ajay Shrivatsav VP []
Staff members at the SGD booth

Fun Stuff

A big thank you to all who stopped by our booth! Visitors received all sorts of cool informational handouts and fun prizes, such as a SuperBud yeast toy. Many were also up to the challenge of completing our Yeast Genetics Crossword puzzle… and to the victors went the spoils of an awesome 25th anniversary SGD T-shirt!

Look at all this cool stuff!

We are always interested in answering questions and meeting the researchers and users that make up our community. We appreciate hearing your thoughts and all the suggestions you shared with us. For those of you who couldn't make it or didn't get a chance to stop by our booth, please feel free to share any comments or suggestions by contacting us!

If you would like to see tweets from the conference, search #Yeast18 on Twitter.

Disease Data Now Available

In our effort to promote the use of yeast as a catalyst for biomedical research, SGD has recently released new our Disease Pages. Each disease page corresponds to a Disease Ontology term, such as cancer, and lists out all yeast genes that have a human homolog implicated in the disease.

Yeast genes with disease-implicated human homologs will also have a new Disease Summary tab. All associated diseases are shown, along with a network diagram that relates yeast genes, their human homologs, and the diseases associated with the human homologs.

Complex Pages Now Live

Updated Tools

Research Spotlight (Blog posts)

In case you missed them, here are some of the most popular Research Spotlights posted on our blog lately:

What else have we been up to lately?


You may have seen SGD representatives at the following meetings:

  • Senior Biocuration Scientist Rob Nash presented a tutorial at the Yeast Genetics and Genomics course at CSHL in late July. He demonstrated the use of YeastMine and how to navigate through SGD's website.
  • Biocuration Scientist Kevin MacPherson gave tutorials at the Fungal Pathogen Genomics course at the Wellcome Genome Campus in May. He taught students how to use tools and resources at both SGD and the Candida Genome Database.

Upcoming Meetings

International Specialized Symposium on Yeasts, "Yeast Odyssey: from nature to industry"
Bariloche, Patagonia, Argentina
October 1 - 4, 2018

International Workshop on Brewing Yeasts
Bariloche, Patagonia, Argentina
October 5 - 6, 2018

EMBO Workshop on Experimental Approaches to Evolution and Ecology Using Yeast and Other Model Systems
Heidelberg, Germany
October 17 - 20, 2018

30th Fungal Genetics Conference
Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, CA, USA
March 12 - 17, 2019