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Systematic name YLR304C
Gene name ACO1
Aliases GLU1
Feature type ORF, Verified
Coordinates Chr XII:737548..735212
Primary SGDID S000004295

Description of YLR304C: Aconitase, required for the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle and also independently required for mitochondrial genome maintenance; phosphorylated; component of the mitochondrial nucleoid; mutation leads to glutamate auxotrophy[1][2][3]


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Other Topic: Regulated by the diauxic shift (glycerol)

Apart form the overall increase in mitochondrial protein mass after the diauxic shift this protein remains unchanged after the diauxic shift. [4] [5]



See Help:References on how to add references

  1. Jump up Chen XJ, et al. (2005) Aconitase couples metabolic regulation to mitochondrial DNA maintenance. Science 307(5710):714-7 SGD PMID 15692048
  2. Jump up Gangloff SP, et al. (1990) Molecular cloning of the yeast mitochondrial aconitase gene (ACO1) and evidence of a synergistic regulation of expression by glucose plus glutamate. Mol Cell Biol 10(7):3551-61 SGD PMID 1972545
  3. Jump up Reinders J, et al. (2007) Profiling phosphoproteins of yeast mitochondria reveals a role of phosphorylation in assembly of the ATP synthase. Mol Cell Proteomics 6(11):1896-906 SGD PMID 17761666
  4. Jump up Ohlmeier S, et al. (2004) The yeast mitochondrial proteome, a study of fermentative and respiratory growth. J Biol Chem 279(6):3956-79 SGD PMID 14597615
  5. Jump up submitted by Steffen Ohlmeier on 2004-04-08

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