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=Associations and Societies=
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{| border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse; width:90%" cellpadding="4"
! style="background: #CEE3F6" | Association
! style="background: #CEE3F6" | Mission
| [http://www.nsta.org/ National Science Teachers Association] (NTSA)
| Books, Resources, Conferences, Science Standards for Educators at all academic levels (K- Undergraduate)
| [http://www.nabt.org/websites/institution/index.php?p=1 National Association of Biology Teachers] (NABT)
| Teaching Resources, Conferences, including resources for Biotechnology & Genetics
| [http://www.asm.org/ American Society for Microbiology] (ASMsociety)
| Books, Questions, Activities for K-12, found under the '''Microbiology for the Public'''  section
| [http://micropublication.org/ microPublication Biology] (microPublication Biology)
| microPublication.org publishes brief peer-reviewed articles that are assigned a DOI and are indexed in PubMed, EuropePMC, Google Scholar, etc. Yeast data are curated and, upon publication, are deposited in SGD.
=Teaching Resources=
==Classroom & Course Materials==
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{| border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse; width:90%" cellpadding="4"
! style="background: #D8D8D8" | Resource Type
! style="background: #D8D8D8" | Source
! style="background: #D8D8D8" | Description
| colspan="3" style="text-align: left; background:#F2F2F2" | ''Saccharomyces cerevisiae'' specific, including materials relevant to the use of SGD
| Bioinformatics Project Modules<br>
([[Media:ASHG_2013_Final.pdf |Overview]])
| ''Dr. Erin Strome'' and ''Dr. Bethany Bowling'', Northern Kentucky University
| Modules designed to introduce undergraduate students to using SGD and other bioinformatics resources:<br>
* [[Media:YeastModule_1.pdf|Module 1: "Introduction to ''Saccharomyces cerevisiae"]]
* [[Media:YeastModule_2.pdf|Module 2: "Genetic and Physical Interactions and Expression Data"]]
* [[Media:YeastModule_3.pdf|Module 3: "Structure-Based Evidence and Multiple Sequence Alignment"]]
* [[Media:YeastModule_4.pdf|Module 4: "Cellular Localization Data"]]
* [[Media:YeastModule_5.pdf|Module 5: "Gene Deletion Phenotypes"]]
| Exploring genes of unknown function
| Yeast ORFan Gene Project http://www.yeastorfanproject.com/. Contact: Jill Keeney keeney@juniata.edu
| Network and resources to introduce undergraduate students to SGD resources while exploring genes of unknown function. Bioinformatics modules (8) for use in classes or lab guide students through hypothesis formation about gene function. Each module has a guide and worksheet; some modules have videos to guide students through the modules. http://www.yeastorfanproject.com/lab-modules/
| Lab Experiments
| [http://www.phys.ksu.edu/gene/chapters.html Yeast Experiments], from [http://www.phys.ksu.edu/gene/ GENE Project], ''Tom Manney'', Kansas State University
| Variety of experiments for high school and undergraduate classes
| Questions, Videos, Lab Experiments
| [http://faculty.bsc.edu/phanson/yen/index.htm Yeast Education Network (YEN)] (link not functional)
| Variety of teaching resources for high school and undergraduate classes
| Lab Experiments
| [http://www-personal.ksu.edu/~bethmont/rl2k/yeast.html Research Link 2000]
| Experiments for use in undergraduate laboratory classes
| Video tutorial
| [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHe3IE8fJn8/ Evann Jarrodsmom via youtube]
| Video tutorial of how to perform tetrad dissection with a manual micromanipulator
| [https://www.yeastgenome.org/reference/S000342286 Connor Shortt et al.]
| Single lab session on how to edit the yeast genome by disrupting ADE2 in yeast
| colspan="3" style="text-align: left; background:#F2F2F2" | General Biology and Genetics
| Lesson plans and classroom activities
| [http://www.dnai.org/index.htm DNA Interactive], <br>
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
|Historical and current information about DNA and genomes, with lessons centered around understanding current techniques and resources
| Genetics education resources for teachers
| [http://www.genome.gov/10005911 NHGRI Genetic Education Resources for Teachers]
| Directing teachers to classroom tools, including specific teaching plans to present the history, facts and genetic terminology behind the Human Genome Project.
| Interactive activities
| [http://genetics.thetech.org/online-exhibits The Tech Museum of Innovation - Online Exhibits]
| Educational online exhibits about genetics and you, such as: [http://genetics.thetech.org/online-exhibits/dna-roulette DNA roulette], making [http://genetics.thetech.org/online-exhibits/do-it-yourself-strawberry-dna DNA from strawberries], and [http://genetics.thetech.org/online-exhibits/are-genetic-tests-right-you genetic tests and you]
| Virtual experiment
| [http://sciencecourseware.org/vcise/drosophila/ Virtual Courseware for Inquiry-based Science Education: ''Drosophila''], VCISE
| Virtual experiment that allows students to apply principles of genetic inheritance by studying the inheritance patterns of fruit flies
| Protocols, Workshops, Publications
| [http://www.bio.davidson.edu/projects/GCAT/gcat.html Genome Consortium for Active Teaching], GCAT
| Part of consortium designed to  bring functional genomics methods into the undergraduate curriculum
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{| border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse; width:90%" cellpadding="4"
! style="background: #D8D8D8" | Course
! style="background: #D8D8D8" | Institution
! style="background: #D8D8D8" | Description
| [http://apbiostudio.stanford.edu/index.html AP BioStudio]
| Stanford University
| Program at Stanford University for high school teachers that introduces AP Biology teaching modules in the areas of forensic science, human genetics, bioinformatics and evolution
| [http://www.bio.davidson.edu/courses/genomics/genomics.html Discovering Genomics, Proteomics, and Bioinformatics]
| Davidson College
| Includes web activities and case studies in this problem solving approach to teaching students the fundamentals of genomic analysis. Based on the book written by ''A. Malcolm Campbell'' and ''Laurie J. Heyer''
| [https://capricorn.bc.edu/bi204 Investigations in Molecular Cell Biology]
| Boston College
| Project-based course in which students study the evolutionary conservation of genes involved in methionine synthesis. Topics include yeast culture and complementation, databases, plasmids and western blots. Each module contains background information, student protocols, teaching slides and video tutorials.
==Fun Sites==
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{| border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse; width:90%" cellpadding="4"
! style="background: #D8D8D8" | Resource
! style="background: #D8D8D8" | Description
| [http://www.mendelweb.org/ MendelWeb]
| Primary texts relating to classical genetics, elementary plant science, and history and literature of science
| [http://www.sciencebuddies.org/science-fair-projects/search.shtml?v=&s=yeast Science Buddies (for yeast)]
| Science fair project ideas for yeast and other scientific topics (resource for students, parents, teachers)
| [http://www.mendelweb.org/ MendelWeb]
| Primary texts relating to classical genetics, elementary plant science, and history and literature of science
| [http://www.scientificamerican.com/education/bring-science-home/ Bring Science Home]
| A Scientific American resource - featuring fun, science-related activities for 6-12 year olds
=General Learning=
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{| border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse; width:90%" cellpadding="4"
! style="background: #E0F8E6" | Title
! style="background: #E0F8E6" | Description
| [http://genetics.thetech.org/book-titles When Will Broccoli Taste Like Chocolate?: Your Questions on Genetic Traits Answered by Stanford Universtiy Scientists], <br>''David L Bodian, PhD'' and ''D Barry Starr, PhD''
| Stanford scientists answer questions such as: Why do I have freckles?  Where do my blue eyes come from?
| [http://www.genomenewsnetwork.org/resources/whats_a_genome/Chp1_1_1.shtml#genome1 What's a Genome?], <br>
by ''Sarah E. DeWeerdt''  (Genome News Network)
| Online book describing the basics of a genome, chromome, genes, DNA, sequencing, variation, and genome maps
==Dedicated Sites==
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{| border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse; width:90%" cellpadding="4"
! style="background: #E0F8E6" | Resource
! style="background: #E0F8E6" | Description
| [https://biologydictionary.net/ Biology Dictionary]
| An online biology reference site providing useful definitions and explanations of common biology terms
| [http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/ Learn.Genetics], <br>''University of Utah Health Sciences''
| Tutorials describing basic genetics (e.g. "What is DNA?"), cell biology, evolution, and human health, as well as some science tools (e.g. virtual labs)
| [http://www.dnalc.org/websites/ DNA Learning Center], <br>''Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory''
| Resources and links designed to acquaint elementary and high school students to the principles of genetics and disease risk
| [http://www.dnaftb.org/ DNA from the Beginning], ''Cold Spring Harbor Labroatory''
| "An animated primer of 75 experiments that made modern genetics"
| [http://www.nature.com/scitable Scitable], <br>''Nature Publishing Group''
| Free library providing overviews of key science concepts, with a focus on genetics
| [http://www.scientificamerican.com/education/bring-science-home/ Bring Science Home]
| A Scientific American resource - featuring fun, science-related activities for 6-12 year olds
==Tutorials and Presentations==
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{| border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse; width:90%" cellpadding="4"
! style="background: #E0F8E6" | Resource
! style="background: #E0F8E6" | Description
| [http://www.khanacademy.org/science/biology Khan Academy - Learn Biology]
| Tutorials covering topics addressed in first year high school/undergraduate biology courses
| [http://genetics.thetech.org/about-genetics The Tech Museum of Innovation - Genetics page]
| General information about genetics, genes, mutations and disease, medicine and ethics. Includes information on basics such as: what is a gene, how do genes work, genetic testing, mutations and disease, as well as “[http://genetics.thetech.org/ask-a-geneticist Ask a Geneticist]”, where you can pose questions to Stanford scientists. 
| [http://modencode.sciencemag.org/ ModEncode (Model Organism Encyclopedia of DNA Elements)]
| Modules on model organisms and modern biology, including information on why we study model organisms, regulation of gene expression, and the role of computers and technology in biology
| [https://customercare.23andme.com/entries/21286992-Genetics Genetics Tutorials], <br>''23andMe''
| Basic tutorials describing genes, phenotypes, SNPs and more

Latest revision as of 17:54, 1 November 2024