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Systematic name YJL141C
Gene name YAK1
Feature type ORF, Verified
Coordinates Chr X:150390..147967
Primary SGDID S000003677

Description of YJL141C: Serine-threonine protein kinase; component of a glucose-sensing system that inhibits growth in response to glucose availability; upon nutrient deprivation Yak1p phosphorylates Pop2p to regulate mRNA deadenylation, the co-repressor Crf1p to inhibit transcription of ribosomal genes, and the stress-responsive transcription factors Hsf1p and Msn2p; nuclear localization negatively regulated by the Ras/PKA signaling pathway in the presence of glucose[1][2][3][4][5][6]


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See Help:References on how to add references

  1. Garrett S, et al. (1991) The Saccharomyces cerevisiae YAK1 gene encodes a protein kinase that is induced by arrest early in the cell cycle. Mol Cell Biol 11(8):4045-52 SGD PMID 2072907
  2. Kassis S, et al. (2000) Saccharomyces cerevisiae Yak1p protein kinase autophosphorylates on tyrosine residues and phosphorylates myelin basic protein on a C-terminal serine residue. Biochem J 348 Pt 2():263-72 SGD PMID 10816418
  3. Lee P, et al. (2008) Yeast Yak1 kinase, a bridge between PKA and stress-responsive transcription factors, Hsf1 and Msn2/Msn4. Mol Microbiol 70(4):882-95 SGD PMID 18793336
  4. Lee P, et al. (2011) Regulation of yeast Yak1 kinase by PKA and autophosphorylation-dependent 14-3-3 binding. Mol Microbiol 79(3):633-46 SGD PMID 21255108
  5. Martin DE, et al. (2004) TOR regulates ribosomal protein gene expression via PKA and the Forkhead transcription factor FHL1. Cell 119(7):969-79 SGD PMID 15620355
  6. Moriya H, et al. (2001) Yak1p, a DYRK family kinase, translocates to the nucleus and phosphorylates yeast Pop2p in response to a glucose signal. Genes Dev 15(10):1217-28 SGD PMID 11358866

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