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Systematic name YOR048C
Gene name RAT1
Aliases HKE1, TAP1, XRN2
Feature type ORF, Verified
Coordinates Chr XV:421650..418630
Primary SGDID S000005574

Description of YOR048C: Nuclear 5' to 3' single-stranded RNA exonuclease, involved in RNA metabolism, including rRNA and snRNA processing as well as poly (A+) dependent and independent mRNA transcription termination[1][2][3][4]


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  1. Amberg DC, et al. (1992) Isolation and characterization of RAT1: an essential gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae required for the efficient nucleocytoplasmic trafficking of mRNA. Genes Dev 6(7):1173-89 SGD PMID 1628825
  2. Ghazal G, et al. (2009) Yeast RNase III triggers polyadenylation-independent transcription termination. Mol Cell 36(1):99-109 SGD PMID 19818713
  3. Johnson AW (1997) Rat1p and Xrn1p are functionally interchangeable exoribonucleases that are restricted to and required in the nucleus and cytoplasm, respectively. Mol Cell Biol 17(10):6122-30 SGD PMID 9315672
  4. Kim M, et al. (2004) The yeast Rat1 exonuclease promotes transcription termination by RNA polymerase II. Nature 432(7016):517-22 SGD PMID 15565157

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