Yeast Genome Sequence is Released - April 24, 1996 The complete sequence of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain S288C has been determined in an international collaboration of more than 100 laboratories. The sequence data can be obtained from: The contributing consortia are: complete chromosomes partial chromosomes EU (Goffeau) II, III, VII, X, XI IV, XII, XVI XIV,XV St. Louis (Johnston) VIII IV, XVI Sanger (Barrell) IX, XIII IV, XVI McGill (Bussey) I XVI Stanford (Davis) V IV Riken (Murakami) VI CHROMOSOME DNA Coordinator Length Release I H. Bussey, Montreal 230,195 1995 (modif. 4-1996) II H. Feldmann, Munich 813,137 8-1994 (modif. 4-1996) III S. Oliver, Manchester 315,344 12-1991 (modif. 4-1996) IV (I) C. Jacq, Paris IV (II) B. Barrell, Cambridge IV (III) M. Johnston, St. Louis IV (IV) R. Davis, Stanford 1,522,191 4-1996 V R. Davis, Stanford 574,860 1995 (modif. 4-1996) VI Y. Murakami, Tokyo 270,148 1995 VII H. Tettelin, Louvain 1,090,936 4-1996 VIII M. Johnston, St. Louis 562,638 8-1994 IX B. Barell, Cambridge 439,885 1995 X F. Gallibert, Rouen 745,443 10-1995 (modif. 4-1996) XI B. Dujon, Paris 666,448 4-1994 XII (left) J. Hoheisel, Heidelberg XII (right) M. Johnston, St. Louis 1,078,171 4-1996 XIII B. Barell, Cambridge 924,430 1995 XIV P. Philippsen, Basel 784,328 4-1996 XV B. Dujon, Paris 1,091,282 4-1996 XVI (I) A. Goffeau, Louvain XVI (II) H. Bussey, Montreal XVI (IIa) R. Davis, Stanford XVI (III) B. Barrell, Cambridge XVI (IV) M. Johnston, St. Louis 948,061 4-1996 mitochondrial genome (as compiled by de Zamaroczy M. and Bernardi G.) Length: 78,520 nt __________________________________________ Total: 12,136,020 nt 12,057,500 nt (without mitochondrial genome) The yeast genome contains several regions with extensive repeated sequences. These repeats have not been sequenced in their entirety but at least one mostly two copies have been included in the final sequences. Missing repeated sequences: ~ 100 copies of rDNA repeat(chrXII) each ~9,137 nt = 913,700 nt 2 copies of the ENA2 (chrIV) repeat ~3,885 nt = 7,770 nt ~ 10 copies of the CUP1 repeat (chrVIII) ~ 1,998 nt = 19,980 nt ~ 3-5 copies of Y' elements each ~6,700 nt (chrIV telR 2-3 copies; chrXII telR 1-2 copies) = 26,800 nt ~ 750 nt of telomeric sequence of chrVI = 750 nt ___________________________________________________________________ Total of missing repeated sequences: 969,000 nt The total genome of S.c. S288C therefore contains: 12,136,020 nt + 969,000 nt _______________ 13,105,020 nt NOTE: The strain S288C lacks some of the gene families found in brewery and other industrial strains such as the MEL, MAL and SUC gene families and may be others. Sequence data released before April 1996 are annotated and the systematic nomenclature has been assigned. Due to the priority of the rapid release of the data to the scientific community, the assignment of the systematic nomenclature for open reading frames has not yet been completed for all 16 chromosomes. In collaboration with the consortia involved in this project these nomenclature will subsequently be added to the information on the WWW pages (see below) and finally included in tables on the FTP sites. (Please do NOT start doing your own nomenclature to avoid unnecessary confusion!) Detailed information on open reading frames, genetic elements, and the graphical display by the GSG (Genome Sequence Graph) are available on the WWW:> Reference information is linked to the S. cerevisiae page for each chromosome. Information on the web includes homology listings and graphical display of the chromosomes. A detailed classification of open reading frames is in progress. H.W. Mewes & K. Kleine Max-Planck-Inst. f. Biochemie MIPS 82152 Martinsried, Germany Tel.: +49 89 8578 2657 FAX : +49 89 8578 2655 email: ========================================================================= The data were assembled (EU part) and edited by MIPS (Max-Planck-Inst. f. Biochemie, Martinsried, Germany). We are greatful for comments, corrections of sequence data, and any contribution to the annotation of the data (to be submitted to : ). Acknowledgement: The ftp-directories contain the proper reference for each chromosome. The following MIPS staff members have contributed to the data evaluation: Yeast sequence processing: K. Kleine, K. Albermann, J. Hani, H. Tettelin (Louvain), A. Zollner Informatics: A. Gleissner, C. Harris (WWW), K. Heumann (HPT/GSG), S. Liebl (XChromo), H.W. Mewes (coordinator), A. Maierl, P. Zaccharia Protein Sequence Databank (annotation): G. Fobo, F. Pfeiffer MIPS is supported by the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, the Forschungszentrum f. Umwelt u. Gesundheit (GSF), the European Commission, and the BMBF